09 Dec

Cyprus reacts to donated pallets for rescue dogs

SPDC Saving Pound Dogs Cyprus

Christmas came early at SPDC – Saving Pound Dogs Cyprus

Sue has lots to tell you about, but firstly we are sharing a message that Constantina posted in the SPDC Facebook Group (you can join the group by clicking here).  Read the full post here.

“On Monday and Tuesday this week we took delivery of a huge amount of wonderful goodies for our dogs. Blankets, food, treats, leads, coats, carpets….. the list is endless.”

“We are enormously grateful to our adopters supporters and sponsors who donated for SPDC Nicosia dogs.”

Sue Nuttall is the person who has made this possible. Sue and her team (Sue please feel free to mention the names of your team) thank you SO SO much for organising this once again. And not only for organising it but for spending a back breaking day with Tina Shields under rain and cold wind, unpacking it and making sure that all the rescues received their donations. I know that you had already put it a huge effort in the UK packing it all up so beautifully as well.”

“I am very moved by support like this. People have put in their own time, a lot of effort and a lot of thought and organisation into making this happen. Our dogs will benefit hugely from everything that was donated.”


SPDC Saving Pound Dogs Cyprus - rescue dogs

Constantina Constantinou, “We are enormously grateful to our adopters supporters and sponsors who donated for SPDC Nicosia dogs.”

You will probably be aware that one of our co-founders, Sue, has just spent 3 days in Cyprus helping unpack and deliver the seven pallets worth of donations that were shipped at the end of October for the benefit of rescue dogs.

On behalf of those who rescue dogs – thank you!

We would like to thank every one of you who donated goods or money that made this shipment possible.

Take Away The Tears and our supporters really do make a difference to rescue dogs and we will be sharing the thanks with you over the next few days. We’ll also profile some of those we have helped this time.  A very special thanks goes to:

  • to Marina Nicolaou Toumba for her invaluable advice and her support of TATT;
  • to Constantina Constantinou who so kindly allowed us to have the pallets delivered to her sanctuary.  We’re so thankful that she had big banners that could be used to protect the pallets from the storms the island has been battered with;
  • and to Tina Shields, who so kindly picked up Sue and took her to Constantina’s and spent all day at the sanctuary, unpacking the pallets and helping load the donations into the various vehicles that came to collect them.

Want to get involved in the next shipment?

You can be part of the team responsible for more pallets to help rescue dogs in Cyprus by supporting one of our fundraising campaigns:

Donate your Christmas card spend

Make a donation to support the rescue dogs