05 Jan

Facebook Fundraiser Page Bargains!

Facebook Fundraising Page

We’ll it’s 2023 and we need to continue our fundraising – our rent doesn’t pay itself and donation requests are increasing.

Join us over on our Facebook Fundraising Page to grab a bargain and support the charity at the same time.

We sell donated items and get some AMAZING stuff through the doors! Check regularly for the latest offering – Take Away The Tears Fundraising Page

05 Jan

35 tons packed and transported in 2022!

Two more pallets ready for delivery and that’s finally all the banana boxes used.

That’s a total of 453 boxes of dog and cat food packed and transported this year, on top of all the large bags of kibble, the dumpy bags and all the additional packaged tins.

That’s a total of at least 35 tons of food – and miles of pallet wrap 😅

20 Dec

Reflecting on a busy year…

It’s been a busy year for us at Take Away The Tears. Amongst other things, we finally got a container to Cyprus; we’ve packed and distributed dozens of pallets of food and other items to rescuers within the UK and in Romania and Ukraine; we’ve helped with emergency vets fees and we’ve helped those that can’t afford to feed their pets. We’ve worked hard to raise funds to do all this.
We can’t do what we do without the help of our supporters. Whether you donate to us or buy from us, we are eternally grateful. And we hope you will continue to offer your support – however that is provided – in the new year ahead of us.
We know the need for our support is growing, and we will continue to do what we can to help those that need it.
We wish everyone a very Happy Christmas
13 Oct

Charity Status announcement

We are delighted to announce that with effect from October 2021, after 8.5 months and hours of report writing, Take Away The Tears is officially a Registered Charity, No 1196042.
Unfortunately, this charitable status has done nothing to help us get food across to Cyprus and we are now resigned to the fact that this area of our support will no longer be feasible, unless the export rules are changed. Thank you to those that wrote to support us. Regrettably, despite this, no media outlet picked up the story and those couple of UK MP’s that responded to us have had a negative response from their enquiries. We heard nothing at all from any Cypriot official.
As food was received by us for distribution to specific recipients, the donation was recorded. We therefore know how much food was due to be shipped and we will be making a cash donation for each bag. You will be contacted directly if this affects you.
We have also resigned ourselves to not being able to send a container of non-food items over. However, all is not lost on this front. We are able to send pallets of the non-food stuffs, based on your wish list. This will be hugely complicated for us, and we will need your support.
We will be contacting all beneficiaries with a list of all the other beneficiaries. We need you to band together for items to be sent to you. We suggest by location or by existing co-operations etc. We will not be able to send a pallet dedicated to each organisation, we simply could not afford the cost. We need to pack the pallets as fully as we possibly can, by packing for more than one organisation on each one. Each item will be very clearly marked, and we repeat there will be no food or treats.
They will be unloaded in Paphos. We expect the pallets to be shipped a few at a time to get them through customs. You will be contacted when your pallet has arrived and asked to collect your donations. You will be expected to breakdown your own pallet, which will be easy to do.
The food and treats we have will be distributed within the UK. We are liaising with various bodies who have contacts with small, independent animal rescues throughout England, Scotland & Wales. We also welcome direct contact from any such organisation that needs our support.
We have a lot of work in front of us to get the non-food donations to Cyprus. Once complete we will update you all on the future plans for Take Away The Tears, and how we propose to continue to support our friends in Cyprus and in Romania.
We would be pleased to provide an answer to any questions that are raised by this announcement. You can contact us via Messenger or via info@takeawaythetears.co.uk.
Thank you
The Trustees of Take Away The Tears
Sue Nuttall (Chair)
Janice Ross MBE
Wendy Bruty
13 Sep

Fun Indoor Dog Show – Halloween! 31st October

Take Away The Tears Fun Indoor Dog Show brings you a spooktastic day for you and your dog on Sunday 31st October 2021, from 10am to 3pm at New Hartley Memorial Hall, New Hartley, Whitley Bay, NE25 0RP

Come and enjoy 10 classes including Best Halloween Fancy Dress.

PS There’ll be nothing happening that will scare your dogs, we’ve just added a Halloween theme to our usual much-loved dog show.


13 Sep

Christmas Fayre – 13th November

Take Away The Tears Christmas Fayre brings you selected craft stalls, for you and your dog on Saturday 13th November 2021, from 9am to 1pm at New Hartley Memorial Hall, New Hartley, Whitley Bay, NE25 0RP

Dogs are welcome and the day will include a Best Christmas Costume competition for dogs. Come and join the fun!

09 Feb

Dogs on the Catwalk – A fab fundraising event!

Take Away The Tears presents Dogs on the Catwalk – an evening of fun, fundraising and furbaby fashion!


Friday 28th February 2020, arrive 7pm for 7.30pm start

Bring your human friends for a fun night out! The evening consists of:

  • the fabulous Dogs on the Catwalk show featuring collections for Spring | Summer | The Great Outdoors in the first half and Autumn | Winter | Forever Young in the second half
  •  the mega raffle
  •  and an awesome auction.

There will also be a select few stalls so you can shop for your canine companions including:

  • Doggy Delish – hand baked natural dog treats, plus toys and accessories
  • All That Wag – Handcrafted, bespoke drying coats, fleeces and waterproof coats for your canine companions
  • Glitter Dogs – Pawsitively fabulous fashion for your canine friends, to suit every dog on every occasion. All handmade and great value for money
  • Pretty Pooches Limited – Practical and unique products for your pooch that stand out from the crowd. From pet safety to pet fashion, all at affordable prices
  • Carp – Excellent quality wooden dog beds, toy boxes and door/wall hangers all beautifully handcrafted to order. Carp also make bespoke garden and indoor furniture and even saddle racks
  • Yorkshire Pet Company – more info to follow


Tickets are £10 and include a glass of Bucks Fizz on arrival. Payment is either through Eventbrite (which will incur a booking fee) or via PayPal (friends & family – reference DCW) and covering email with your name and address to info@takeawaythetears.co.uk

Bucks Fizz – please bring your Eventbrite booking or tickets to claim your free Bucks Fizz on arrival.

Proceeds from the evening will be kickstarting our canine neutering programme in conjunction with Active8 Cyprus.

Thank you for your ongoing support and we look forward to welcoming you to this fundraising event in the warm! (We know what it’s like to be at outdoors events so thought it was time to treat the humans to an evening or warmth and fun!)

Thank you to www.wherecanwego.com for helping promote the event.

22 May

Would you like to spend a day helping dogs?

Volunteer Jules helping out with cuddles for Titch

Volunteer Jules helping out with cuddles for Titch

Are you one of the many who can be heard sighing, “Oh I’d love to spend all my time with dogs but I have to work”?   Well, there’s a way you can spend some time helping dogs, and still live your normal routine.

The doggy events that we attend are almost always on a weekend, and we always need an extra pair of hands for helping on the day (for cuddling dogs as well as helping out with the Take Away The Tears stands). If you work some weekends, there’ll hopefully be a date that falls on a day off.

So check your diary and see if you can commit to helping on  any of these dates (one, some or all):

Lara helping at a fundraising event

Take Away The Tears stand at Blyth event with Lara helping on the stand


Depending on your strengths, you might be helping directly with our four-legged friends eg in the show ring, or on the registration desk if you’re good at admin.

Others find that they love to chat to the visitors and their dogs on the tombola stand or selling raffle tickets.



Contact us through Facebook Messenger to ask for more details or email us at info@takeawaythetears.co.uk.

How your support is helping

A massive ‘thank you’ to everyone for helping to make this 12 pallet shipment to Cyprus possible. To those many people who donated the items to send across; those special people that donated their time to help sort and pack the boxes and pack the pallets and to those who donated cash or otherwise sponsored us to support the £2400 cost of this shipment.

12 pallet shipment that is helping Cyprus dogs

12 pallet shipment to help Cyprus dogs

And especially to Andrea Thorne of RSS Logistics who has given us such a good deal and is organising the shipment.

To those who gasp at this cost and think we should just send the money – we are supporting a number of different rescue organisations, looking after dogs, cats and horses, and the estimated value of the items being sent across is well over £7000 and that’s excluding the soft bedding and towels etc.

So please, if you are part of this venture give yourself a huge pat on the back.

🐶 Together we make a REAL difference 🐶

09 Dec

Cyprus reacts to donated pallets for rescue dogs

SPDC Saving Pound Dogs Cyprus

Christmas came early at SPDC – Saving Pound Dogs Cyprus

Sue has lots to tell you about, but firstly we are sharing a message that Constantina posted in the SPDC Facebook Group (you can join the group by clicking here).  Read the full post here.

“On Monday and Tuesday this week we took delivery of a huge amount of wonderful goodies for our dogs. Blankets, food, treats, leads, coats, carpets….. the list is endless.”

“We are enormously grateful to our adopters supporters and sponsors who donated for SPDC Nicosia dogs.”

Sue Nuttall is the person who has made this possible. Sue and her team (Sue please feel free to mention the names of your team) thank you SO SO much for organising this once again. And not only for organising it but for spending a back breaking day with Tina Shields under rain and cold wind, unpacking it and making sure that all the rescues received their donations. I know that you had already put it a huge effort in the UK packing it all up so beautifully as well.”

“I am very moved by support like this. People have put in their own time, a lot of effort and a lot of thought and organisation into making this happen. Our dogs will benefit hugely from everything that was donated.”


SPDC Saving Pound Dogs Cyprus - rescue dogs

Constantina Constantinou, “We are enormously grateful to our adopters supporters and sponsors who donated for SPDC Nicosia dogs.”

You will probably be aware that one of our co-founders, Sue, has just spent 3 days in Cyprus helping unpack and deliver the seven pallets worth of donations that were shipped at the end of October for the benefit of rescue dogs.

On behalf of those who rescue dogs – thank you!

We would like to thank every one of you who donated goods or money that made this shipment possible.

Take Away The Tears and our supporters really do make a difference to rescue dogs and we will be sharing the thanks with you over the next few days. We’ll also profile some of those we have helped this time.  A very special thanks goes to:

  • to Marina Nicolaou Toumba for her invaluable advice and her support of TATT;
  • to Constantina Constantinou who so kindly allowed us to have the pallets delivered to her sanctuary.  We’re so thankful that she had big banners that could be used to protect the pallets from the storms the island has been battered with;
  • and to Tina Shields, who so kindly picked up Sue and took her to Constantina’s and spent all day at the sanctuary, unpacking the pallets and helping load the donations into the various vehicles that came to collect them.

Want to get involved in the next shipment?

You can be part of the team responsible for more pallets to help rescue dogs in Cyprus by supporting one of our fundraising campaigns:

Donate your Christmas card spend

Make a donation to support the rescue dogs

27 Nov

Christmas Card Campaign

Instead of sending Christmas Cards this year, would you consider making a donation to help abused dogs?

A few people have asked if they can make a donation in lieu of their Christmas cards this year and we would be delighted to have your festive support!

All funds raised are used to help neglected, abused and abandoned animals in Cyprus, by supplying the volunteers who rescue and rehabilitate them with much-needed food, medication, equipment and monetary support.  As an example, check out the amazing SEVEN huge pallets of donated goods that you, our supporters helped ship to Cyprus.

Make your Christmas Card Donation here

You could help us to send even more support overseas. Feel free to use our virtual Christmas Card. Thank you so much and Merry Christmas!

Christmas Card Campaign